Leprous si Agent Fresco vor concerta in Cluj si Bucuresti
Cele doua trupe au plecat intr-un turneu european ce va ajunge si in Romania in zilele de 5 septembrie (Cluj / Form Space) si 6 septembrie (Bucuresti / Quantic). Mai…
Cele doua trupe au plecat intr-un turneu european ce va ajunge si in Romania in zilele de 5 septembrie (Cluj / Form Space) si 6 septembrie (Bucuresti / Quantic). Mai…
PHOTOS: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1817038081717500.1073742207.242270159194308&type=1&l=bcdee6e993 VIDEOS: Storm at Sziget Festival 2018 Thom Artway (Live at Sziget Festival – Europe Stage, Budapest, Hungary, 14.08.2018) Nothing But Thieves – I Was Just A Kid (Live…
Origin (Live at Rockstadt Extreme Fest, Rasnov, Romania, 5.08.2018) The Royal (Live at Rockstadt Extreme Fest, Rasnov, Romania, 5.08.2018) Fleshgod Apocalypse (Live at Rockstadt Extreme Fest, Rasnov, Romania, 5.08.2018) To…
https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1845314992223142&type=1&l=f3a435b69c Goatwhore (Live at Rockstadt Extreme Fest, Rasnov, Romania, 4.08.2018) Korokuma (Live at Rockstadt Extreme Fest, Rasnov, Romania, 4.08.2018) Brujeria (Live at Rockstadt Extreme Fest, Rasnov, Romania, 4.08.2018) E-An-Na (Live…
PHOTOS: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1823989547689020&type=1&l=eff13c7e51 VIDEOS: Rock n Ghena (Live at Rockstadt Extreme Fest, Rasnov, Romania, 3.08.2018) Dust Bolt (Live at Rockstadt Extreme Fest, Rasnov, Romania, 3.08.2018) Confessions of a Traitor (Live at…
PHOTOS: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1806752149412760.1073742202.242270159194308&type=1&l=260e7de136 VIDEOS: Syn Ze Sase Tri (Live at Rockstadt Extreme Fest 2.08.2018) Dizident – Dizident (Live at Rockstadt Extreme Fest 2.08.2018) Obscure Sphinx (Live at Rockstadt Extreme Fest 2.08.2018)…
https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1790236877730954.1073742201.242270159194308&type=1&l=d3a5e5fcee Distorted Harmony – Anima (Live at Artmania Festival, Sibiu, Romania, 28.07.2018) Zeal & Ardor – Fire of Motion (Live at Artmania Festival, Sibiu, Romania, 28.07.2018) Leprous – From the…
https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1788583517896290.1073742200.242270159194308&type=1&l=298ef9d3a0 Rome – One Night (Live at Artmania Festival, Sibiu, Romania, 27.07.2018) Arcane Roots – Resolve (Live at Artmania Festival, Sibiu, Romania, 27.07.2018) Haken – The Architect (Live at Artmania…
Trupa de folk-core Cruadalach din Praga, Cehia, revine dupa 3 ani de “tacere”, timp in care singurul lor produs discografic a fost contributia la albumul “Back to Life – A…
Pe 25 iulie celebrul chitarist Joe Satriani revine la Bucuresti la Arenele Romane in cadrul turneului “What Happens Next Tour”! Concertul va fi deschis de una dintre revelatiile industriei muzicale…