Organizatorii Rockstadt Extreme Fest au publicat un line-up aproape final pentru editia din acest an, inclusiv cu programul pe zile. Aproximativ 27 de noi trupe au fost adaugate pe afis: Alestorm, And So I Watch You from Afar, Apocalyptica, Blind Guardian, COMA, Dark Angel, DOOL, DopeThrone, Ensiferum, envy, Escuela Grind, Ghost Bath, Harakiri for the Sky, Hellbutcher, High Parasite, Mimi Barks, Omnium Gatherum, Overkill, Rotten Sound, Shining, Slomosa, Swallow The Sun, Thy Catafalque, Unprocessed, Witch Club Satan, Wolfheart, Zeal & Ardor