VIDEO: Implant Pentru Refuz – Old School / New School – live in Quantic, Bucuresti, 9.09.2023
Implant Pentru Refuz x Vraciu – Între-deschis (Old School – New School – live in Quantic, 9.09.2023) Implant Pentru Refuz x Dora Gaitanovici – Ocean (Old School – New School…
Psychosounds Fest 2023 – line-up final
PSYCHOSOUNDS FEST va avea loc intre 22-23 septembrie in clubul “Quantic” din Bucuresti. Veti avea parte de 2 zile cu muzica de calitate prezentata de 14 trupe metal, o locatie…
Amorphis, Solstafir si Lost Society – doua concerte in Romania la Bucuresti si Cluj-Napoca pe 6 si 7 noiembrie
Amorphis, Solstafir si Lost Society canta la Bucuresti pe 6 noiembrie la Arenele Romane si la Cluj la /FORM Space pe 7 noiembrie Biletele se pun in vanzare pe…
Rockstadt Extreme Fest 2023, day 5
PHOTOS: VIDEOS: Messa – Pilgrim (Live Rockstadt Extreme Fest, 6.08.2023) Immolation – World Agony (Live Rockstadt Extreme Fest, 6.08.2023) Stick to Your Guns – Amber (Live Rockstadt Extreme Fest,…
Rockstadt Extreme Fest 2023, day 4
PHOTOS: VIDEOS: Discharge (Live Rockstadt Extreme Fest, 5.08.2023) Impaled Nazarene (Live Rockstadt Extreme Fest, 5.08.2023) Agnostic Front – For My Family (Live Rockstadt Extreme Fest, 5.08.2023) Agnostic Front (Live Rockstadt…
Rockstadt Extreme Fest 2023, day 3
PHOTOS: VIDEOS: Allochiria (Live Rockstadt Extreme Fest, 4.08.2023) The Underground Youth (Live Rockstadt Extreme Fest, 4.08.2023) Lost In Kiev (Live Rockstadt Extreme Fest, 4.08.2023) Midnight (Live Rockstadt Extreme Fest, 4.08.2023)…
Rockstadt Extreme Fest 2023, day 2
PHOTOS: VIDEOS: Dora Gaitanovici (Live Rockstadt Extreme Fest, 3.08.2023) Spectral Wound (Live Rockstadt Extreme Fest, 3.08.2023) Imperial Triumphant (Live Rockstadt Extreme Fest, 3.08.2023) Caligula’s Horse – Bloom / Marigold (Live…
Rockstadt Extreme Fest 2023, day 1
PHOTOS: VIDEOS: Villagers of Ioannina City – Millennium Blues (Live Rockstadt Extreme Fest, 2.08.2023) Eyehategod (Live Rockstadt Extreme Fest, 2.08.2023) Legion of the Damned (Live Rockstadt Extreme Fest, 2.08.2023) Employed…
TAINE dezvăluie tracklist-ul noului album CHAOS and CONTEMPLATION
TAINE dezvăluie tracklist-ul noului album – CHAOS and CONTEMPLATION- “Un amalgam muzical ce va cuceri inimile pasionaților de progressive-metal modern!” Înconjurat de pasiune pentru muzica metal-progresivă, pe alocuri experimentală, autentică,…
2023-07-30: Artmania Festival, day 3
VIDEOS: Port Noir – Puls (Live at Artmania Festival, Sibiu, Romania, 30.07.2023) RoadkillSoda – Prometheus (Live at Artmania Festival, Sibiu, Romania, 30.07.2023) Haken – Lovebite (Live at Artmania Festival, Sibiu,…