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peninsulaIata comunicatul oficial al organizatorilor:

Dear festivalgoers!

We are sorry to announce that the concerts of Kaiser Chiefs and Dragonforce, scheduled for the 18th and 19th of July at Peninsula Félsziget Festival are cancelled. This unfortunate turn of events was caused by a prospected sponsor of the event who did not fulfill the terms previously agreed upon.
Furthermore, we would like to note that the bands and their management are not repsonsible in any way for this turn of events, and we would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused by the cancellation, and we would like to thank them for understanding the situation.
This cancellation will not affect the festival as a whole, which will take place as planned on 18-21 July in Cluj-Napoca. One-day ticket holders for July 18 and July 19 can change their tickets for any day of the festival. 4-day festival tickets will not be refunded. For further information, please contact us at office@peninsula.ro

Dragi peninsulari!

Concertele Kaiser Chiefs şi Dragonforce, programate pe 18, respectiv 19 iulie la Festivalul Peninsula au fost anulate. Cauza acestui deznodământ nefericit a fost un potenţial sponsor care nu şi-a îndeplinit promisiunile financiare către organizatorii Peninsula. Dorim să precizăm că trupele şi managementul lor nu poartă nicio responsabilitate pentru situaţia creată, iar evenimentul va avea loc, aşa cum a fost comunicat, între 18 şi 21 iulie în Cluj-Napoca.
Posesorii de bilete de o zi pentru zilele de 18, respectiv 19 iulie vor fi valabile pentru oricare zi a festivalului. Abonamentele nu pot fi returnate. Pentru informații suplimentare contactați-ne la office@peninsula.ro

Kedves félszigetezők,

Sajnálattal közöljük, hogy a Kaiser Chiefs és a Dragonforce zenekarok július 18-ra illetve 19-re meghirdetett fellépései a Félsziget Fesztiválon elmaradnak. Ennek oka a rendezvény egyik potenciális szponzora, amely nem tartotta be a szervezők irányába tett vállalásait.
Szeretnénk egyértelművé tenni, hogy sem az érintett zenekarok, sem menedzsmentjük nem hibáztatható a történtekért, és köszönjük megértésüket.
A történtek nem befolyásolják a rendezvény egészét, a Félsziget Fesztivál 11. kiadására július 18-21. között a Gorbó völgyében fog sor kerülni.
A július 18-ra vagy 19-re szóló napijegyek a fesztivál bármelyik napjára érvényesek lesznek, négynapos bérleteket nem áll módunkban visszaváltani. További információkért írjatok az office@felsziget.ro címre.

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